Electronic Registration System (eRS-Secure):
Secure, multi-user,
on-line electronic Student Registration system for Colleges and Universities in the Golf area.
eRS presents a set
of user friendly interfaces
with different access visibility level and ensures a
of the data dealt with among all system users.
eRS is secure,
reliable, user friendly, and suitable for use by students and
university administrative/academic staff with no advanced computing
eRS-Secure is:
Faster and Easier
Secure and Reliable
User Friendly
Different Access Visibility Level
Real Time Synchronization
English Level Development Program (ELDP):
is a Web-based Educational system for on-line training, focusing on English Level Development and other
academic subjects.
English Educational Test
consists of 4 Categories of
test in 4 Levels
Listening Comprehension
Reading Comprehension
Structure Expression
Written Expression
SHARP SYSTEMS erkende distributeur van Easy For You in Nederland
De Lite versie is GRATIS:
- U kan de Lite versie gratis (*) gebruiken zonder tijdsbeperking.
- Gedurende de proefperiode wordt de Lite versie met "Full-Options" (= inclusief alle zichtbare modules in onze tarieven) geleverd, wat u toelaat de verschillende mogelijkheden te evalueren.
- Aanwezig in de Lite versie (Volledig GRATIS):
- Klanten en leveranciersbeheer
- Documentbeheer met afdrukken van facturen, prijsoffertes, verzendingsnota's, bestelbonnen.
- Automatisch berekenen van de totalen, BTW, voorschotten, winstmarges, gewichten.
(*) De downloadable facturatieversie is gratis.
(mogelijkheden om alle versies te testen)
Consulteer onze tarieven om de gratis modules van de betalende modules te onderscheiden.
De proefperiode duurt 30 dagen of 120 documenten of 300 bewegingen.
Uw gegevens blijven echter nà de proefperiode nog beschikbaar.
On-line Book Store (online-LIB):
eCommerce system for selling books, CDs, and K7 on the Internet.
Faster and Easier |
electronic Medical Records (eMR-PACS):
Secure, multi-user, on-line system for electronic Medical Records integrated with PACS and HIS.
Faster and Easier |