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Data Provenance for e-Science

This page presents links to the different activities related to the data provenance (PROV), namely:
  • Provevance Manager: Implementation of the PROV Standard
  • Provenance for gUSE: PROV4gUSE
  • Provenance for Workflow Management Systems: PROV4wfms
  • Provenance for NeuroScience Gateway: NSG2PROV

  1. Provevance Manager: Implementation of the PROV Standard
  2. PROV-man provides functionalities to create and manipulate provenance data in a consistent manner and ensures its permanent storage.

  3. Provenance for gUSE: PROV4gUSE
  4. The aim of this project is: to define and implement the provenance capability in the WS-PGRADE/gUSE framework, using the provenance manager (PROV-man).


    SCIentific gateway Based User Support SCI-BUS project

  5. Provenance for Workflow Management Systems: PROV4wfms
  6. The aim of this project is to define the specifications of provenance representation format to store workflow runs for various workflow management systems.


    • SCIentific gateway Based User Support SCI-BUS project
    • Buiding an European Research Community through Interoperable Workflows and Data: ER-flow project

  7. Provenance for NeuroScience Gateway: NSG2PROV
  8. The aim of this project is to translate the provenance data from the Neuroscience database (eCAT) to PROV format, using PROV-man.


Last updated: 27/05/2014, A. Benabdelkader

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